So far, Ostarin 15 has established a consistent record of efficacy as a similar androgenic agent. For example, in a study with healthy older men and women, a dose of 3 mg per day for 12 weeks resulted in a significant increase of 3% in LBM. There was also a significant fat reduction of 0.6 kg. Improved physical function as measured by step climbing power increased by 15%.
It reflected an improvement in insulin sensitivity. In anaerobic exercise with the same older population sample, leg press strength and power increased by more than 22 pounds.
Ostarin 15 is widely taken in the athletic community for muscle mass and bulk gains accompanied by a marked reduction in body fat index, usually as an alternative to anabolic steroids.
Moderate anabolic effect
Moderate suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis
Mild and moderate with hepatoxicity.
Moderate in lipid changes.
Jar of 90 capsules x 15 mg
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